I received an invitation to check out the new gluten free network at GlutenFreeNetwork.com, so I rushed over (well, turned up a bit late, actually, because of Easter and all) to check it out for you.
Looking good! Richard and Lindsey have developed a forum with a lot of different categories for discussion which you might be interested in: everything from recipes through restaurants, specialists, related problems and treatments, and even how to handle pregnancy if you’re gluten free. I really like the colours and images – and the name is a real find. I can’t believe that domain name was still available (duh! – another opportunity missed).
The forum is a bit light on discussion at the moment, but then it is BRAND NEW, so there’s lots of time for that to change. I know that people find this kind of resource invaluable, particularly in the early stages of diagnosis, so I wish this new forum well.
The difficult thing with a forum is always the getting-it-started part, so what they really need is for lots of you to go over and join in! I recognise two of the names on the Member list already – and I know you’ll know them too (if you don’t, check out my list of further reading on the right hand side, and see if you can find them) – so come on over and let’s talk gluten free …
I’ve written a book summarising what we’ve learnt over 20 years of dealing with the gluten free diet, and it might be just what you’re looking for. It packs the lessons we’ve learned into what I hope is a helpful and straightforward guidebook. It’s available on Amazon, as a paperback or for your Kindle… |
Thank you so much for the post. You are right, starting a forum is very hard as people see it when it’s slow and go elsewhere (just over a week old now I believe). We are lucky though as we already have a few dedicated members trying to answer as much questions as they can to keep it going strong while it grows. I am going crazy myself :P
I look forward to any new members that join the forum and don’t ever hesitate to contact me personally on the forum for any help as I am always available to answer anything you need, or just to chat. Well, whenever I am not working at the real job… Blah!
Thanks again Lucy,
Hi Richard – I’ll bet you’re busy! Exciting times, though. Good luck with it.
I am in Australia and my wife is gluten intolerant. Thank you for your blog. I have been reading the posts for over an hour now and wanted to let you know I enjoyed them and have book marked your blog and have emailed the link to my wife Jackie. Regards, Ross.
Ross, delighted you enjoyed my blog … come again soon!
Hi! I’m LJ, the new owner of GlutenFreeNetwork. I’m working on lots of new things for the site. The forum has a new spiffy look and some fun features, so I hope those who visited before will check us out again.
Thanks! :)
Hi LJ – I wish you the best of luck with the forum. I was very tempted myself when I heard Richard was selling it, as I think it has a lot of potential.