We went as a family to a wedding last weekend - beautiful, small, intimate, English wedding in the country. Marquee on the lawn, lovely gardens with ponds and streams, and - coincidentally - the Red Arrows and other planes flying overhead as part of the nearby Air Tattoo. (Very appropriate, as many of the guests seemed to be airforce, or civil … [Read more...]
No cookery lessons for the gluten free?
I was shocked to read about a small boy with multiple allergies and his coeliac friend who were not able to join in cookery lessons at school, but instead had to sit in a corner and read a book (read more on this in the Daily Mail). This shouldn't be happening ... … [Read more...]
Gluten free (without me)
For the first time today, my coeliac daughter has to choose and buy her lunch without adult help. She is 11, and will be going to secondary school in September. Her future school has invited all those joining them in September to come in for two days to experience life in a big school and meet their future classmates and their teachers. … [Read more...]