We all do it, even if the best etiquette manuals say not to: using your own knife or spoon to dip out some butter or marmalade. If that knife has just spread butter on your 'normal' bread, and then you dip it into the marmalade - or back in the butter - the chances are high that you've just added some crumbs with gluten into the butter or … [Read more...]
A gluten free alphabet
Having been entertained by the idea of the Alphabet Eating Challenge, which I came across at Playlibrary, I thought I'd see if I could create a gluten free alphabet. Not that I'm going to eat them all at the same time. We often play A-Z in the car - the idea is that you pick a category and then take it in turns to name an item in that category, … [Read more...]
Are you cheating?
Someone out there is searching for information about what happens if they cheat on their gluten free diet ... is it you? I know this because the searches are appearing on my logs. If it is you - don't! Possible excuses: "Just one won't hurt" - yes it will. You may not feel any different or experience any symptoms, but the gluten will be … [Read more...]