So - you've just been told you should cut out gluten from your diet, probably because you have celiac disease, though there are other reasons for going gluten free. You're probably going through one of the following: disbelief - this can't be true denial - this isn't true depression - it is true, and I can't bear it reconciliation - … [Read more...]
Coeliac Awareness Week 2007: Symptoms
How do you know if you might have coeliac disease (or celiac disease, as our cousins across the water say)? Symptoms vary from person to person, and some people are asymptomatic, and are diagnosed by chance, when being investigated for another problem. But there is a cluster of symptoms common enough that they could be called classic symptoms … [Read more...]
Coeliac Awareness Week 2007: Getting to Diagnosis
Yes, it's Coeliac Awareness Week here in the UK again, and local groups are organising events to promote awareness of this disease. The focus this year is on getting diagnosed. Here in the UK, it's estimated that as many as 1 in 100 people have the disease, and many - indeed, most - of these are undiagnosed. According to Coeliac UK, it can … [Read more...]